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History of education collections


“The Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)” is the second largest library worldwide. Its roots can be traced to 1368 when King Charles V established his library in the Louvre. Nowadays, Lous XI is considered to have founded the library in the late 15th century, as well as Francois I who in 1537 introduced the law that printers had to deliver a copy of each book to [...]

The "National Institut of Education" (formerly Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique INRP) is the central institution for organisation, implementation, coordination and evaluation of French educational research. The website provides information on educational research and infrastructure in France: information on the organisation [...]

United Kingdom

United Kingdom
The British Library receives a copy of every publication produced in the UK and Ireland. The collection includes well over 150 million items, in most known languages - 3 million new items are added every year. The BL has manuscripts, maps, newspapers, magazines, prints and drawings, music scores, and patents. Its Sound Archive [...]

Die Bodleian Library (1602 gegr.) ist die Hauptbibliothek der Universität Oxford und mit ca. 9 Mill. Bestandseinheiten die zweitgrößte Bibliothek des Landes. Ihr Katalog aus dem Jahr 1605 ist der älteste gedruckte Bibliothekskatalog in England.


The BNCF is one of the national central libraries and responsible for assembling the national bibliography. It is the legal deposit library for Italy.

The BNCR is one of the national central libraries and one of the legal deposit libraries with emphasis on foreign publications about Italy. It publishes the bibliography ``Bollettino delle opere moderne straniere (BOMS)``.

Homepage of the National Library for Pedagogy. It is to be regarded as the main website for information on the entire Italian education system. It contains numerous references.


Japanische Nationalbibliothek (National Diet Library), 1948 gegründet. Heute besteht die Nationalbibliothek aus einer Hauptbibliothek, the International Library of Children`s Literature, the Toyo Bunk (orientalische Bibliothek) und 26 Zweigbibliotheken. Ebenso umfangreich ist das Onlineangebot der NDL, das in japanischer und (teilweise) englischer Sprache abrufbar ist. Die [...]

Die Hiroshima University Library besitzt einen sehr großen historischen Schulbuchbestand. URL der Textbook Collection:


Library and Archives Canada ist die Nationalbibliothek Kanadas. Ursprünglich gegründet im Jahr 1953, ist sie heute das Resultat des Zusammenschlusses zwischen der Nationalbibliothek von Kanada und dem Nationalarchiv von Kanada 2003. Ihre Hauptaufgabe ist, die kanadische Geschichte in Form von Texten und Bildern zu sammeln und aufzubewahren. Das Dienstgebäude befindet sich [...]

The BAnQ (Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec) is an association of the Quebec national library and several national archives of the Canadian province of Quebec, which aims as the superior national library to preserve any historical and cultural heritage of the province. BAnQ serves as a storage for large amounts of [...]


With approximately 8 million books and objects, the Austrian National Library is the biggest library in Austria. In addition to the more than 3 million books, its international prestige is based particularly on the nine special Departments with their unique objects – manuscripts, incunabula, music autographs, photographs, maps, [...]

The Administrative Library is a reference library and open to the general public. Employees of the Federal Government and the Länder and other public organizations are entitled to borrow items. The Digital Administrative Library makes e-publications of the Austrian ministries and public administration accessible in full text. The [...]


1925 gegründete, größte pädagogische Spezialbibliothek Russlands mit einem Bestand von ca. 1, 6 Mio Bestandseinheiten

Die Russische Staatsbibliothek, 1862 gegründet, 1925–45 Leninbibliothek, 1945–92 Staatliche Leninbibliothek der UdSSR, ist aus der Bibliothek des Rumjanzew-Museums hervorgegangen, ab 1925 die Nationalbibliothek der UdSSR in Moskau. 1992 wurde die Bibliothek in Russische Staatsbibliothek umbenannt. Sie gehört zu den weltweit größten Bibliotheken. Bestand (2003): rund 42 [...]

Die RNB wurde nach dem Wunsch der Kaiserin Katharina der II. 1795 als erste allen zugängliche Bibliothek Russlands und nationale Bücherei gegründet (Eröffnung 1814). Seit 1932 als Saltykov-Schedrin-Bibliothek bekannt und nach der Moskauer Russischen Staatsbibliothek mit 33, 5 Mio Bestandseinheiten die zweitgrößte Bibliothek des Landes. Den wichtigsten Teil der Bestände [...]


In the Swiss National Library you will find everything about Switzerland; everything which is published in the country or written by Swiss authors. Every publication, from Swiss daily newspapers to novels, from documentaries and yearbooks to official publications and geographical maps. In our two most important special collections, [...]

Through the services it provides, SCCRE contributes to strengthening educational research in Switzerland. Its aim is to establish a better dialogue between educational policy, practice, administration and research. It provides support for the efficient deployment of resources in research in education by taking on tasks that are in [...]

The documentation and research centre Pestalozzi Yverdon was created in 1977. Among its objectives are the promotion of the scientific discussion about the life and work of Pestalozzi, especially in French speaking countries. It possesses a library with works about and from Pestalozzi (e.g. all volumes of the critical edition of [...]

The Pestalozzianum Research Library is a traditional research library focusing on history of schooling, history of education and related fields. At the same it is the centre of the Pestalozzi Research and cooperates with domestic and foreign institutions. The Pestalozzi Research Library´s missions are: As complete as possible [...]

United States

United States of America (USA)
The Library of Congress is the nation´s oldest federal cultural institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in its collections. The Library´s mission is to support the Congress in [...]

A glance from Germany

The Institute`s library holds an unparalleled international collection of textbooks, as well as an extensive collection of relevant scholarly literature, thus offering unique resources for research work. The textbook collection currently includes about 170,000 volumes from 150 countries for the subjects History, Geography, Social Studies/Politics as well as German [...]

Zweitgrößte pädagogische Spezialbibliothek Europas mit über 730.000 Bänden und einem bedeutenden bildungsgeschichtlichen Archiv. Hervorgegangen aus der Deutschen Lehrerbücherei bzw. der Pädagogischen Zentralbibliothek der DDR wurde sie 1992 neugegründet. Im Bestand sind: Sammlung der Rara mit etwa 12.000 Bänden (Erscheinungsjahre [...]

Last Update: 01.08.2001  -

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