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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: native language instruction

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The article was published on 22.04.2014 on the blog "Euro Crisis in the Press" which is run by the London School of Economics and Political Science. The authors argue that in their opinion the current language policy in Catalan schools is unfair as Spanish-Castilian speaking students were disadvantaged by the almost exclusive use of the Catalan language. The blog article also [...]

Ukraine; Russian Federation
In this article of 2008, the researchers Laada Bilaniuka and Svitlana Melnyk explore the history, the current meaning, the language policy and the conflict about the use of Russian and Ukrainian language in Ukraine. The article appeared in: International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Volume 11, Issue 3-4, 2008, Special Issue: Multilingualism in Post-Soviet [...]

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