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Education Systems International

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This website of SEFI, a non-profit organisation founded in 1973, serves as an information and communication platform for the respective specialists. SEFI is presently the largest network of higher engineering institutions and individuals involved in engineering education in Europe. Through its numerous and various activities, SEFI contributes to the development and improvement [...]

The Society unites professionals in higher technical education in order to improve the quality of engineering and technical education at higher education level. The projects operate both nationally and internationally. Newsletters, publications and regular conferences provide opportunities for exchanging information. Moreover, the Society is advisory to the Government of India [...]

India; Bangladesh
The list contains a vast number of links to universities, colleges and government colleges in India, most of them concerning technical subjects, engineering and medical training.

CESAER is a non-profit-making international association of approximately 50 leading European Engineering Universities, Colleges and Schools set up in 1990. The main objectives of CESAER are to provide "High Quality" Engineering Education in Europe and to improve links between its members in Research as well as in Postgraduate and Continuing Education.- This website offers [...]

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