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Education Systems International

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The Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) is designed to improve learning outcomes by supporting national strategies for learning assessments and developing internationally-comparable indicators and methodological tools to measure progress. GAML is building global consensus on the international reporting and measurement of learning based on the best fit-to-purpose [...]

France; Germany
The ADEAF (Association for the Development of the German Language in France) provides a press review in German and French on the discussions about the French educational reform of the lower secondary education in 2014/15 under Minister for Education Vallaud-Belkacem. Especially the changes planned for the German language classes sparked a huge controversy. The press in France [...]

The link leads you to a overview of the articles published in the French journal Le Monde about the planned educational reform under President Hollande and Minister of Education Peillon in 2012. Le Monde is considered to be one of the most influential newspapers on public opinion in France, alongside with Le Figaro.

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